Monday, September 24, 2018

How to draw a heart faced dog

Mrs Graham told us that we had to get to know our class mates a bit more so she put us into pairs and I was put with Alex we had to decide who was partner A and B Alex said he wanted to be B... 
after a while, then Alex had to go get a  whiteboard and pen then I got given a piece of paper with a heart faced dog on it. Then we had to go back to back and i had to give Alex instructions of how to draw the dog without 

1. Draw an upside down heart
2. Draw two little circles at the top middle of the heart
3. Colour in a black circle but leave a white circle
4. Draw an upside down triangle at the bottom of the heart
5.  Draw some ears
6. Underneath the upside down  triangle draw a semi circle and a line

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